Project Bird Table: AR master planning tool

This project involves the creation of a piece of augmented reality software for the ‘HoloLens 2’ which allows for multiple users to simultaneously view a 3D holographic visualisation of a site. The program will feature multiple pre-set layout proposals for the client to provide feedback on, the operatives will then be able to make alterations or adjustments, using solely hand tracking, to relocate or add aspects of the proposals around the site. The visualisation will show a 3D depiction of the site’s terrain and buildings and will be overlayed with a various constraints coloured red, amber and green based on their given criteria. In addition, the data from the constraint’s plans will be captured so as to provide feedback on any clashes. This will be done by notifying the user by changing the colour of the relevant asset to reflect the level of constraint intersected with (either red, amber or green). 

Project aims and challenges

The aim of this project is to create a master-planning tool that utilises AR technologies to allow clients to better engage with the design process. This includes demonstrating a sites constraints in an accessible and easy to understand manner; involving the client in high level site planning to understand their reasoning behind desired asset relationships; and workshopping alternative lay downs. The key objective is the ability for the client be able to make changes to the suggested site layouts within the tool and for those changes to be able to be saved and exported in a format that can later be used in the company’s current workflow. 

My Role in the Project

I am the sole developer on this project and so am responsible for the creation of all mechanics, aesthetics and design of the software with the raw data being provided by members of other depts within Tetra Tech such as constraints data, terrains and building models. The key challenges of this project are the requirements for networking within a closed network and the critical security considerations for when the project is rolled out for use on live projects. In addition, the ability to export the client’s data out of a packaged product in a manner that can be used within their current infrastructure, Ideally CAD formats, which is a non-standard use case for Unreal engine and thus presented a significant obstacle

The project is currently halfway through its proposed development cycle and is looking to be rolled out to live projects by next may if not sooner…

3D Viewer

My 3d model