Virtual reality maze
This project was inspired by games such as ‘Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes’ where one player is within virtual reality and a second player guides them from outside the game. My idea was to have one player in VR who is in a maze whilst a second player is watching the computer screen which shows a map of the maze with the player being represented by a white square. The second player was then responsible for guiding the person within VR to the centre of the maze. I created the maze within blender and then exported it to UE4, after that I set up a second camera above the scene which allowed the second player to guide the user. I then got some friends and family to test the game and quickly realised that it lacked challenge and lacked to simple for the person in VR. In an attempt to rectify this I added an extra challenge, placing destructible blockades within the maze which were identical to the rest of the maze within VR, but identifiable from at the top where they were a separate colour. This meant the person outside of the game could see where these blockades were and could instruct the person in the game to destroy them. The person within VR was given a weapon (created for a previous project) which would then allow them to hit and destroy walls. The maze contained very few textures, because I wanted the maze to be impossible to navigate without assistance and to make the maze feel disorienting.