Imperial Shuttle Experience
This project started when I attempted to model a spaceship from a known reference, as I hadn’t done much existing object based modelling and I saw a space ship as an ideal opportunity to do so. Due to the large fan base of star wars, I was able to find detailed designs of many ships but settled on the Imperial ‘Lambda Class’ Shuttle due to its small size and relatively simple shape. This project was very challenging, it was the most complex model I had undertaken to date and so certain aspects of the model are fairly crude. Overall however, I was pleased with the general result. Following my successful tests of the zero gravity movement system with the satellite project I decided to use this model as the basis of a second experience. Unfortunately, due to my limited understanding of Unreal Engine 4, I experienced many issues with the player clipping through the model and the crude elements of the design were heavily emphasised upon closer viewing. Whilst I really like the concept of having a Star Wars ship that can be navigated around in zero G-VR my modelling ability is not yet sufficiently developed for me to undertake such a project to a sufficiently high level.