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So far eb has created 14 blog entries.

Gart230 Blog- week four

Gart230 Blog- Week four, Refining the block-out This week I decided to focus on refining the block out I made last week so that it more closely matched the reference images and moved away from basic geometry. As mentioned in the last blog post I made the massage room and steam room a priority and I also decided to focus more acutely on the central

Gart230 Blog- week four2021-10-09T11:34:34+01:00

Gart230 Blog- week three

Gart230 Blog- Week three, Starting the block-out    This week I started to block out the environment for my scene, the main source of reference I used for the block-out was the floor plan as this offered the most comprehensive breakdown of the environment. I added the image of the floor plan to a plane and placed it within the scene along the Z axis

Gart230 Blog- week three2021-10-02T12:20:16+01:00

Gart230 Blog- week two

 Gart230 Blog- Week two, Gathering references This week I decided to focus on getting myself into a position where I felt comfortable starting to block out the environment. As with previous projects I feel like I may spend a little longer than others on the planning stage of the project but I do not feel this has a negative impact on the project as I

Gart230 Blog- week two2021-09-25T13:12:04+01:00

Gart230 Blog- week one

Gart230 Blog- Week one, Initial ideas For this project we were tasked with creating an environment based upon an environment from a film or television show of our choosing. Upon receiving this brief I had a couple of main ideas which I wanted to explore, the first of these was to do recreate an project from the TV show grand designs as I currently hope

Gart230 Blog- week one2021-09-18T18:32:17+01:00
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